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Authorizations - Lemacons

S.C. LEMACONS S.R.L was established in 2009 with fully private capital. The company's administrative headquarters is located in Galati, at Cardas Agricola Street no. 1-3, Galati County.

    The organization has designed, documented, implemented, and maintained an integrated quality-environment-health and safety management system, with reference to the standards SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, and SR ISO 45001:2018, with the following certified scope:
  • Surface and underground railway construction works, CAEN code 4212

  • Construction of bridges and tunnels, CAEN code 4213

  • Drilling and boring works for construction, CAEN code 4313

  • Construction of residential and non-residential buildings and related installations, CAEN code 4120

  • Construction of roads, highways, and bridges, CAEN codes 4211, 4213

  • Hydraulic construction works, CAEN code 4291

  • Construction of utility projects for fluids (sewerage and water supply, pumping stations, treatment plants, including repairs), CAEN code 4221

  • Exterior/interior electrical installations for premises/civil and industrial buildings, aerial and underground connections, with a nominal voltage of 0.4 kV, CAEN code 4321

  • Design and execution of overhead or underground electrical lines with nominal voltages of 0.4 kV-20 kV, transformer stations with a nominal upper voltage of up to 20 kV, medium voltage stations, as well as the medium voltage electrical part of high voltage stations, CAEN codes 7112, 4222

  • Design of natural gas transportation systems, natural gas distribution systems - closed distribution systems as well as installations related to biogas/biomethane production/storage operating under high pressure, and natural gas utilization installations operating under high pressure, TYPE PT, CAEN code 4221

  • Design of natural gas distribution systems, closed distribution systems, as well as installations related to biogas/biomethane production/storage operating under medium, low, and very low pressure, TYPE PDSB, CAEN code 4221

  • Design of natural gas utilization installations operating under medium, low, and very low pressure, TYPE PDIB, CAEN code 4221

  • Execution of natural gas transportation systems, natural gas distribution systems, closed distribution systems, as well as installations related to biogas/biomethane production/storage operating under high pressure, TYPE ET, CAEN code 4322

  • Execution of natural gas distribution systems, closed distribution systems, as well as installations related to biogas/biomethane production/storage operating under medium, low, and very low pressure, TYPE EDSB, CAEN code 4322

  • Execution of natural gas utilization installations operating under medium, low, and very low pressure, TYPE EDIB, CAEN code 4322

  • Plumbing, heating, and air conditioning works, CAEN code 4322

  • Other installation works for constructions, CAEN code 4329

  • Carpentry, joinery, and furniture manufacturing, CAEN codes 1623, 3109, 4332

  • Other cleaning activities (street sweeping, snow, and ice removal), CAEN code 8129

  • Landscape maintenance activities, CAEN code 8130

  • Testing and technical analysis activities - laboratory testing and inspections, CAEN code 7120

  • Production of aggregates for civil engineering and road construction, CAEN code 0812

  • Manufacturing of concrete, CAEN code 2363

  • Manufacturing of mortar, CAEN code 2364

  • Manufacturing of concrete products for construction, CAEN code 2361

  • Certifications of the Integrated Management System:

  • SR EN ISO 9001:2015 - NR. 49558/170-40-C/18.06.2024, initial certification in 2012

  • SR EN ISO 14001:2015 - NR. 49558/170-40-M/18.06.2024, initial certification in 2012

  • SR EN ISO 45001:2023 - NR. 49558/170-40-SS/18.06.2024, initial certification in 2020

  • The organization maintains and improves the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System (IMS) by considering the needs of all stakeholders: customers, shareholders, staff, suppliers, and society. The Top management has adopted an integrated management approach to achieve sustainable success. The Quality Management System at SC Lemacons SRL is based on the following principles:

  • Customer focus – understanding the current and future needs of customers;

  • Staff commitment – leveraging the skills of staff for the benefit of the organization;

  • Process-based approach – managing activities and resources as processes;

  • Leadership;

  • Leading by example, encouraging, and recognizing employee contributions;

  • Improvement – the organization's continuous goal;

  • Evidence-based decision-making – decisions are based on data and information analysis;

  • Relationship management with stakeholders – sharing the organization's knowledge, vision, and values with suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders.

LEMACONS SRL has authorized technical staff (RTE) for supervising the execution of all categories of work.


Certifications in the railway industry

Technical Approvals ANRE Authorizations

Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons


About Lemacons

Durable structures, efficient solutions. Building a solid world together!

  • / Construction and Machinery
  • / Residential Construction

Galati Construction Company


We offer technical solutions and expertise in construction and the production of prefabricated elements and aggregates under high-quality conditions.

The performance of our company is based on the principles of the management system implemented and certified by the Certind Certification Body, in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, and OHSAS 18001:2008.

LEMACONS SRL is a company with 100% Romanian capital, established in 2009, operating in the field of construction works. We specialize in the execution of road, highway, and bridge construction works, sewage and water supply works, residential and non-residential constructions and related installations, hydrotechnical works, wind farm construction, and urban construction works. We also engage in the production of concrete, prefabricated concrete elements, and ballast aggregates.
The company began its activity with smaller-scale projects, but due to the quality of execution and the seriousness with which contractual commitments were handled, it gained the trust needed for future collaborations.
The organization's ability to quickly adapt to the changing requirements of customers and the construction services market in general has allowed it to take on projects with higher difficulty levels or those requiring new materials and technologies.
With approximately 300 employees, the company achieved a turnover of 22,065,269 Euros in 2020. Of this, road construction and repair works accounted for 63%, civil and industrial construction works for 21%, technical-urban works for 11%, and the production of concrete, prefabricated concrete elements, and ballast aggregates for 5%.

Lemacons Mission

Our mission is to provide technical solutions, expertise in construction, and the production of prefabricated elements and aggregates under high-quality conditions, ensuring seriousness in delivery and adding value to completed works.

Lemacons Vision

We aim to manage projects nationwide and expand our range of services and works into new areas through our experts.


Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons
Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons

About us

LEMACONS is a company that has emerged in the local and regional market in the field of construction works, with fully private Romanian capital. We specialize in the execution of road, highway, and bridge construction works, sewerage and water supply works, residential and non-residential constructions and their associated installations, and hydro-technical works.
