Construction Testing and Analysis Laboratory
AUTHORIZED UNDER NO. 3764/24.11.2021
We have the necessary technology and equipment for conducting analysis and testing in construction:
GTF - Geotechnics and Foundation Soil
- Soil classification and identification;
- Determination of soil density (sand cone method);
- Determination of soil density;
- Granulometry;
- Determination of plasticity limits;
- Physical and mechanical characteristics of soils with significant swelling and shrinkage;
- Free swelling determination;
- Moisture content determination;
- Soil identification and description;
- Sampling and probing;
- Foundation soil compaction characteristics. Proctor test;
- Foundation soil organic matter content. Humus content.
ANCFD - Natural Aggregates for Railway and Road Works
Coefficient of fractions below 0.2 mm. Testing to determine the geometric characteristics of aggregates;
- Determination of bulk density in dry, loose, and compacted states;
- Determination of the uniformity coefficient;
- Testing to determine the mechanical and physical characteristics of aggregates. Water content determination by drying in a ventilated oven;
- Testing to determine general aggregate characteristics. Fine part evaluation. Sand equivalent determination;
- Testing to determine the geometric characteristics of aggregates. Aggregate shape - flakiness index;
- Testing to determine the geometric characteristics of aggregates. Particle shape. Shape index;
- Testing to determine general aggregate characteristics. Granulometric analysis by sieving;
- Determination of resistance to fragmentation using the Los Angeles test;
- Testing for thermal and weathering characteristics of aggregates. Freeze-thaw resistance under magnesium sulfate action;
- Testing for general aggregate characteristics. Sampling methods;
- Testing for general aggregate characteristics. Laboratory sample reduction methods.
BBaBp - Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete
Fresh concrete testing - consistency (slump test);
- Fresh concrete testing - density determination;
- Hardened concrete testing - density determination;
- Fresh concrete testing - sampling;
- Preliminary (initial) tests to determine concrete composition;
- Hardened concrete testing - preparation and curing of concrete specimens;
- Hardened concrete testing - compressive strength of specimens;
- Hardened concrete testing - freeze-thaw resistance (destructive method);
- Hardened concrete testing - tensile strength by bending of specimens;
- Fresh concrete testing - temperature.
D - Roads
Determination of road layer density with sand cone device;
- Foundation soil. Determination of bulk density on site;
- Road and railway works. Determination of linear deformation modulus through field tests;
- Road works. Natural aggregate or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Determination of mass loss of stabilized specimens;
- Determination of moisture content - testing for road layers made from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders;
- Road works. Road layers from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Granulometric composition determination;
- Road and airport runway surface characteristics. Measurement of macrotexture depth using volumetric spot technique;
- Road and airport runway surface characteristics. Testing methods. Measurement of surface irregularities using a straightedge;
- Road and airport runway surface characteristics. Surface skid resistance measurement - pendulum test;
- Asphalt mixtures. Testing methods for hot-prepared asphalt mixtures. Determination of asphalt layer thickness;
- Road works. Natural aggregate or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Preparation of mixtures and specimen fabrication (aggregate mixture or soil binder and water);
- Sampling and preparation of asphalt mixture specimens. Testing for hot-prepared asphalt mixtures and bituminous layers;
- Road works. Natural aggregate or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Determination of water stability of stabilized specimens (aggregate mixture or soil binder and water);
- Road works. Road layers from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Compressive strength of stabilized materials;
- Water stability of specimens. Testing for road layers made from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders (aggregate mixture or soil, binder, and water;
- Road works. Layers from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders. Determination and testing methods. Degree of disintegration for stabilized layer;
- Checking the binder content for stabilized layers. Testing for road layers made from natural aggregates or soil stabilized with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders.
MBM - Materials for Concrete and Mortars
Testing to determine general aggregate characteristics. Appearance and shape of grains;
- Cement testing methods. Determination of standard consistency of cement;
- Testing to determine mechanical and physical characteristics of aggregates. Water content determination by drying in a ventilated oven;
- Cement testing methods. Fineness determination. Sieving method;
- Testing to determine general aggregate characteristics. Granulometry. Granulometric analysis by sieving;
- Testing to determine mechanical and physical characteristics of aggregates. Methods for determining bulk density and intergranular porosity;
- Testing to determine mechanical and physical characteristics of aggregates. Determination of real bulk density and water absorption coefficient;
- Heavy natural aggregates for concrete and mortars with mineral binders. Determination of leachable fraction;
- Cement testing methods. Cement stability determination - Le Chatelier apparatus;
- Cement testing methods. Determination of cement setting time;
- Testing for chemical properties of aggregates. Chemical analysis. Possible presence of humus;
- Cement testing methods. Sample collection and preparation methods for cement;
- Testing to determine general aggregate characteristics. Sampling methods;
- Cement testing methods. Determination of compressive strength of cements;
- Cement testing methods. Determination of condition and preservation;
- Cement testing methods. Preparation of specimens for mechanical strength determination.