Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons
Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons

Asphalt laying services

"Transform your roads with LEMACONS!"
We take pride in providing quality services in the construction field, including expert asphalt laying services.
- Professionalism: Our team consists of experienced professionals ensuring durable and aesthetically pleasing work.
- Quality: We use only modern materials and equipment to guarantee a perfect job.
- Efficiency: We complete projects on time without compromising quality.
Whether it’s public roads, parking lots, or private pathways, LEMACONS is your reliable partner for asphalt projects.

Roads, Bridges, and Highways Construction

We have the necessary equipment to carry out the most demanding tasks in this sector. We do not compromise on the quality of our work and focus on ensuring the safety of the roads you will use. We handle a range of tasks for various types of roads:
- Asphalted roads; Gravel roads; Paved roads;
- Pedestrian walkways; Concrete platforms;
- Concrete, metal, or wooden bridges, whether private or public.

Works on the road infrastructure in Com. Negrilesti

Lemacons - Asphalt Laying Services

Asphalt Services for DN2L Soveja-Lepsa

Rehabilitation and Modernization of Roads in Certesti Commune

In this sector, we are proud of several projects, including:

Design and Execution of Works for DN2L Soveja-Lepsa Modernization km 60+145-76+277

Modernization of DN2N km 52+860-60+000 Jitia-Bisoca

Modernization of County Road Sections, Galati County

Modernization of County Road Sections on DJ253-242H-255A-240A-252G-251A

Rehabilitation and Modernization of Regional Transport Infrastructure on DJ240

Modernization of Local Road Network in Schela Commune, Galati County

Modernization of Communal Road DC-57, Ghermanesti Village, Banca Commune, Vaslui County

Modernization of Local Roads in Straoane Commune, Vrancea County

Modernization of Local Roads in Varlezi Commune

Works Executed: Earthworks, soil stabilization with enzyme-based stabilizer, gravel layer, aggregate layer, tubular culvert, wearing course, binding layer, stone-lined shoulders, stone-lined ditches, paved ditches, property access slabs, road markings, and traffic signage.

Rehabilitation of Communal Roads in Jorasti Commune, Galati County

Works Executed: Infrastructure, superstructure, ditches and drains, tubular culverts, traffic signage

Modernization of Local Roads in Priponesti

Works Executed: Road system (excavation, shaping layer, ballast foundation layer, crushed stone layer, binding layer, wearing course, shoulders), concrete ditches, shoulder ditches, side roads, tubular culverts, road signage and markings, bridge repairs, upstream quarter cone repairs, ditch connection with quarter cone, concrete shoulders.

Repairs to Railway Passage on DN2B km 104+100, Braila

Passage Strengthening: Overlay slab, shotcrete for pile elevations, guard walls, sidewalk brackets; ramp strengthening; execution of an overlay slab; sidewalk filling, guardrail installation; restoration of joint cover devices; ensuring drainage; beam and counterweight repairs; bachelitization of CF opening. Railway works. Infrastructure works (abutments): shotcrete for pile elevations; construction of seismic protection devices in reinforced concrete on beams. Connections with embankments: local repairs to quarter cone walls, stairs, and casings; repair of degraded areas of the passage ramps: road structure, guardrails, shoulder ditches, casings, etc.; local repairs to infrastructures, with geometric form restoration and surface protection.

Rehabilitation of DJ242B Beresti-Tg Bujor km 23+333-43+200 and DJ251 Tecuci-Matca, Sections km 1+850-2+120, km 2+550-4+130, km 4+393-4+760, Galati County through the Regional Operational Program

Road Works: Milling of wearing course, cleaning and priming of milled surface, macadam laying, mixture layers laying; lane marking and widening of the carriageway, leveling of shoulders, water collection works: earth ditches, stone-lined ditches, paved ditches, desilting of existing stone-lined ditches, side road construction, slab and tubular culverts, drainage works: under-ditch drains, drain inspection chambers, frontal drains, traffic safety works: road markings, traffic signage, installation of kilometer posts and metal guardrails.
Bridge Works: Dismantling and reconstruction of degraded expansion joint cover devices, dismantling of carriageway and sidewalks, including waterproofing, restoration of waterproofing, curbs, carriageway and sidewalks, restoration of right upstream quarter cone, upstream channel construction, desilting and channel calibration; gabion bank protections on gabion mat, guardrail, channel construction for existing and new guardrails.

Rehabilitation and Modernization of Regional Transport Infrastructure between Matca-Valea Marului-Cudalbi-Slobozia Conachi-Smardan (DJ251) through the Regional Operational Program

Road Works: Earthworks, breaking of simple concrete/stone masonry; milling of asphalt wearing course; stripping of existing asphalt layers; removal of structure; scarification and reprofiling of existing foundation; excavation and filling for terrain shaping to designed profile;compaction + leveling of foundation soil/road bed; road structure construction; construction of sidewalks and bike lanes; installation of prefabricated curbs; construction of bus stations; modular bus station; drainage devices; culverts; road signage and traffic safety, road body strengthening (retaining wall).
Bridge Rehabilitation Works: Desilting and recalibration of channel; dismantling of metal structures; dismantling of bridge carriageway and sidewalks; demolition of quarter cone; casting of overlay slab; waterproofing of bridge carriageway and sidewalks; installation of curbs; sidewalk construction; bituminous surfacing of bridge carriageway and sidewalks; construction of expansion joints; repairs to guardrail beams with special mortars; construction of quarter cones, stairs, and casings; installation of pedestrian and H1 type metal guardrails.

servicii de asfaltare

servicii de asfaltare

servicii de asfaltare

servicii de asfaltare

servicii de asfaltare

servicii de asfaltare

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Construction Equipment Sales Galati | Construction Equipment Rentals Galati

Construction Equipment

Construction Equipment Rentals

Lemacons offers a wide range of equipment that you can rent quickly and easily.


Construction Equipment Sales

Lemacons provides a diverse range of equipment that you can purchase quickly and easily


Road-Bridge Construction

We have the necessary equipment to carry out the most demanding works for various types of roads.

Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons
Lemacons Galati | Construction company Galati | Equipment rentals Galati | Civil constructions | Civil constructions Galati | Industrial constructions | Street Furniture Galati | Road and bridge construction company | Construction equipment rentals Galati | Lemacons

About us

LEMACONS is a company that has emerged in the local and regional market in the field of construction works, with fully private Romanian capital. We specialize in the execution of road, highway, and bridge construction works, sewerage and water supply works, residential and non-residential constructions and their associated installations, and hydro-technical works.
